Craig/Steven Development Corporation has earned a solid reputation in the development of shopping centers, office buildings, mixed-use developments, industrial and multi-family residential projects.
Throughout the years we have always considered ourselves to be much like a manufacturer. Our products are buildings which fill a market need. Our raw materials are land, bricks, mortar and other building materials. Our labor is skilled. Our marketing precise.
Each developmental plan begins with identification of a market revealed through research and careful analysis of population trends, economic conditions and other demographic criteria.
Our methodical approach to our developments continues through the ongoing management and leasing of our property portfolio, and our tenants benefit from our existing infrastructure as they identify their buildout, expansion and construction needs.
For Craig/Steven Development Corporation, the fundamental principle that “Control is the Key” guides our strategy and execution, ensuring that through every stage of development and ownership we achieve excellence.

Founded in 1968 by brothers Monte Strusiner and Rick Strusiner, Craig/Steven Development Corporation has developed in excess of four million square feet of prime properties.
Since its beginning, Craig/Steven Development Corporation has provided the organized control required for each of its real estate developments. The success of any real estate development, no matter how brilliantly conceived, is ultimately dependent upon how well it has been implemented. Essential to the task is the need for a coordinated system of planning, review, analysis and timely action.
Our approach to real estate development assures that each project we have undertaken has been correctly conceived, intelligently designed, soundly financed, precisely constructed and efficiently marketed and managed.